Monday, February 23, 2009

Mumbai Bound

To all of my faithful readers, you are the first to know that it's time for a change.
I'm moving once again.
After watching the Oscars last night, I became inspired.
I have seen the movie, Slumdog Millionaire quite some time ago.
And I've been aware of the buzz all around it.
It only cost 14 million to make.
It has already earned over 100 million. And this is before tonight's Oscar.
It elevates India as the new place to go for those of us ever searching for a Promised Land here on Earth.
Mumbai. I had to place pebbles in my mouth in order to pronounce it. Ah, the Greeks knew how to settle elocution issues.
But it's also Bombay!!
This is exciting. ---Where am you headed, you ask?
--- To Mumbai! (be careful of the spewing pebbles.)
---Say where?
---To Bombay!
---But I thought you said....
---I've swallowed the last of the pebbles, fool, so from here on in, it's Bombay!

Then, I notice the look of awe that comes over you. You like my esprit. You think, hhmm, didn't he just settle into Panama? And I nod, but tell you I am taken up with the spirit of Slumdog Millionaire. I am ready for Inja's sunny clime. I intend to place myself exactly in the spot where "it's at." I always do. I will be like a giant spanning bridge connecting the Old India with the New. The evolutionary link between Bombay and Mumbai!!

I will not be discouraged by any poverty I find there. Lord knows I've seen it in Panama. Yes, but you say that there is nothing as desolate as India's downtrodden. Well, I reply. I'll just go on the Indian version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, like the young boy in the movie did. It will be life imitating art imitating life imitating reality show, imitating legitimate show, imitating what's left of the rot we have to watch on T.V.

Ask Jeanne. She knows how much trivia my teeming brain contains. There probably won't be a love story attached to my appearing on the show like there was in the movie, but it doesn't matter, this will be the version for the rest of us. I will walk away a millionaire. I will lavish money and beauty on my little corner of Mumbai. And, by then, it will probably be time to move.

1 comment:

kirk said...

All of this relentless blogging is a real treat! Definitely--in spite of however busy all this globetrotting must be keeping you--keep it up! I'm about ready to bag my old novel and start a new one about a boy who sails far and wide, and I would love to steal from your first-hand accounts of foreign lands. Travel well, amigo! And write like the wind!